Minnie’s Shell- A Miracle House in Los Angeles

On March 28, 2018, the Lord instructed to me to provide affordable housing for women. I knew that I could not open a business in my personal condo. My excellent credit would not pay the bills, my income would not meet requirements for a purchase or a lease. I had no desire to house women in my home and disturb my peace. I am a writer, you see, who relishes her solitude. Furthermore, I have had unpleasant experiences with bringing women into my personal space due to landlord/tenant laws and other reasons. I knew I needed to conduct a share forum for women, but I didn’t know what that would look like or where it would be held.

My desire to obey God was present in the absence of a suitable facility for hosting gatherings of women. I asked the Lord for a place in which to hold these gatherings. I am an ordained minister of the gospel and a chaplain, but in this forum I saw myself as a senior woman ministering to younger women. I didn’t want to go and speak to them and not be able to spend quality time with them. With so many life experiences that I dare not share in my published books, I needed a place to engage in a non-traditional type of church that is open seven days per week, twenty-four hours each day.

The search for a house was disappointing for other reasons as well as those already mentioned. Landlords did not want those people in their house, especially young women. Women have bad attitudes, they are caddie, competitive, moody, deadlier than the male, etc. Young women get pregnant, have emotional ills and mental problems, they are untidy or plain ole nasty, etc. I learned how some people feel about young women.

I was certain God was leading me to minister to young women in spite of all of their issues. Most landlords requested the names of all residents on the lease. I couldn’t provide that information for a transitional living facility. Some didn’t want “those people’ in their house. Someone said, “Those people in transitional housing have a reputation for wrecking a place.”

Finally, I found a landlord who said yes to my inquiry. He jacked up the rent from $4000 to $7000 each month and wanted me to sign a two-year lease when I told him my plan for housing women. I was greatly encouraged when offered a couple of other houses but they needed a lot of work, the rent was too high, the location was in the wrong zone for me to obtain a business permit, and one had a negligent landlord who “fixes nothing, even when the roof caved in on us” said the previous tenant.

I had a promise of a rental house when I left for a twenty-three day mission trip in Kenya, East Africa. The house had everything that I wanted except being close to the bus line. By the time I returned to Los Angeles, the potential landlord had decided not to go forth with the rental. While in Kenya I met a young lady who had been in the transitional housing business for several years. We talked and agreed to talk further upon our return to the states. She invited me to come and see her home which was listed online as having one bedroom and one bath. I was eager to see the house because she talked like she had several tenants. When I visited the place I found a newly constructed duplex with five bedrooms. I was thoroughly impressed.

“I can’t qualify for a purchase or a lease in Los Angles with my retirement income,” I told her. She stared at me and said, “You’re already qualified!” She proceeded to tell me about her bad credit and personal challenges, and how God had given her the house five minutes after she decided to quit her job of working for someone else. There was something about the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice that gave me assurance that she was right. I believed her. God, her Father and mine too, owns everything and he gives good gifts to his children. What he did for her, he can and he will do for me, I thought. I was convinced that I am qualified.

I began to expect a miracle house. After all, God can do anything but fail. Right?

I had asked God for someone to take me by the hand and show me the way to start this business. The woman told me step-by-step what to do, to whom I should talk, what to say, how to set up the house, the rules, the equipment, the requirements. She even accompanied me when I went to check out a property. She told me what should be inside the new house, what the landlord should provide, and how to position each bed. She walked with me every step of the way rather than merely pointing the way.

Can you see how God is at work here?

There’s much more to this story but I will simply say that Minnie’s Shell will open soon. I am excited about getting the right people in this home that is named after my mother, Minnie Shell, who welcomed women and men in her home, and my sister Minnie Elizabeth Shell Carr who devoted her career to caring for veterans, especially female veterans.

I asked God for a house with at least three bedrooms and two baths. My miracle house has ten bedrooms and six baths. The miracle is still unfolding and I am still journaling every day. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. I am a living witness that He will do it!

For information about housing program participation, call 310-704-8705.

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